Support and Enrich
The main focus of the Parents’ Association (PA) is to help generate a community that works for and supports the enrichment of our children’s experience at CCNS. This includes, but is not limited to:

• Planning and managing the program of activities for the year

• Communicating, consulting with and involving as many parents as possible

• Providing opportunities for parents to get involved in their children’s early education experience

• Providing parents a platform to support the betterment of the school and to influence and enrich the school system/community as a whole

• Raise funds for different academic and nonacademic causes

• Supporting and giving back to neighboring communities through service and donations
Our current PA team is made up of 2 Co-Presidents, VP of Community Service & VP of Fundraising. If you would like to get involved please email parentsassociation@ccnsrye.org 


The money the PA raises throughout the school year is used for programming that will enhance our curriculum such as Mad Science and inhouse field trips like traveling aquariums or petting zoos. Most importantly, the funds will help support our school scholarships as well as capital improvement projects for the school. 
Throughout the year the PA organizes various events to raise funds in support of these programs/areas. The largest fundraisers are the Spring Gala (which includes Live Auction & Sign Up Parties) and the Fall Family Day.


Parent involvement is one of the many things that makes CCNS such a wonderful place for our children to learn. Volunteering is a great way to get to know fellow parents and to offer your unique talents in ways that benefit the entire school community. Volunteer opportunities range from being a class parent to getting involved in making our events successful (volunteering time, helping on a committee etc.). Many of our parents have made lifelong friends being active in our community, we hope you will share in the fun that makes our school so special!
Back to School Night – September
Fall Family Day – October 22nd
Tie the Town Pink – October
Donating Candy to local Municipalities – October
Carver Center Food Drive – November
Steph’s Cookie Bakeshop DIY Cookie Kits – December
Children’s Collective Coat Drive – December
Teacher’s Holiday Lunch - December
Parents Night Out – Winter
Staff Appreciation Week- Spring
Spring Gala- April/May